Why Edify Monthly Review | October - Polarized, Lucky, Foggy, and Horror

Here are some highlights from Why Edify over this past month.

Why Edify Monthly Review | October - Polarized, Lucky, Foggy, and Horror
Photo by Samuel Bryngelsson / Unsplash

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Here are some highlights from Why Edify from this last month๐Ÿค”. Each week I send out resources, articles, and tips to hundreds of dedicated and passionate teachers. ย Join us ๐Ÿ‘Š.

T.G.I.F. Teacher Newsletters


Teacher Gear and Gadgets

In each week's newsletter, I make a gear or gadget recommendation. Here are the recommendations from last month.

What was your biggest Teacher Win in the month of October?

My biggest win was putting together a station rotation model in science classes...and it worked well! I look forward to using this type of blended instruction more often in the future.

Record your win in the Member Discussion at the bottom of this post.

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