
This week's newsletter explores intrinsic educational motivation, the teacher pay gap, and self-care strategies.

Photo by Kenny Eliason / Unsplash

The Friday Five

TGIF Teacher Newsletter #133

Hello and Happy Friday!

Things have been quite busy in my neck of the Northwoods. I’m looking forward to connecting with family over the weekend. I might even make it downtown for the parade of beef 🐮 —only in Minocqua, WI.

Here are some questions to ponder as you read this week's newsletter—bonus points for sharing your answers on your social media community. We can connect here. You can also comment at the bottom of the online version of this newsletter.

Reflection Questions:

  • This week, how can you apply the principle "Do it for the action, not the reaction" in your professional life? What specific actions can you take that align with your intrinsic motivations rather than external validation?
  • Considering the significant pay gap between teachers and other college graduates, what strategies can you implement to advocate for fair compensation in your school or district? How might addressing this issue impact teacher retention and overall education quality?
  • How can you prioritize self-care and "put yourself first" without compromising your responsibilities as an educator? How might this shift in perspective benefit both you and your students in the long run?

Have a great weekend!

Here's this week's Friday Five.


For The Action

As educators, we often find ourselves in a world of constant evaluation and feedback. Whether it's from students, parents, or administrators, the temptation to seek validation can be overwhelming. However, a powerful principle can transform our approach both in and out of the classroom: "Don't do it for the reaction; do it for the action."



In 2023, the pay gap between teachers and other college graduates reached a record 26.6%, despite a 1.7% increase in teachers' average weekly wages. The pay penalty was 36.3% for men and 21.4% for women in teaching. Teachers were underpaid in every state, with significant penalties in states like Colorado and Arizona. While teachers have better benefits, the total compensation penalty was 16.7%. Addressing this wage gap requires targeted policy actions and expanded collective bargaining to improve funding and support for teachers.


First, It Starts With You

Putting yourself first is not selfish; it involves prioritizing your actual needs, self-respect, and integrity to lead a fulfilling life. Key strategies include listening to your body, voicing your opinion, living with integrity, simplifying your life, and accepting yourself. These practices foster personal well-being and empower you to support others and engage responsibly with your community.



"The greatness of a person is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively." — Bob Marley


Teachers Commuter Playlist - Don't Get Me Wrong by the Pretenders

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