Time-Saving Teacher Tip - Email Snippets
Email communication has become a big part of teachers’ lives. An empty morning inbox can easily become filled by lunch. Using email snippets can help.
Email communication has become a big part of teachers’ lives. An empty morning inbox can easily become filled by lunch. When you add up messages from administration, parents, students, and colleagues it’s easy to see how this can happen.
One time-saving email tip is to use “snippets”. These are ready-made responses that are easy to use over and over again with a simple copy and paste.
I use a Google Document to house my email snippets, but any word-processing app will do. Create a section for each email audience such as the Principal, Nurse, Parents, Students, and other frequently used email groups. You can use the table of contents feature to save even more time.
When you need a frequently used snippet simply head to your document, scroll, copy, and paste.
Here are some snippets I find useful:
- Reminder to students how to improve a test or quiz score
- A notice to parents about an upcoming test and what their student can do to prepare for it.
- Invitations to home-work help or after-school programs
- Lists of frequently used web resources
- Frequently used directions