Three Things: Many Ages and Happy Brains

Kids need a solid foundation that's tough to crack.

Three Things: Many Ages and Happy Brains
Photo by Hal Gatewood / Unsplash


Even though I am an 8th grade teacher I also have a blended crew that consists of 6-8th graders. We meet every other week. Getting to know a different range and configuration of students has been wonderful.

Today we talked about our superpowers of choice and completed a simple get to know you activity. I think over time these blended crews will go a long way in helping students feel like they belong.


The brain loves change and novelty. Lifelong learners have happier brains.


Sometimes persistence is a long road to travel when you're not sure your efforts are paying off. It gets even harder when you're tired. It's often right after these moments that the payoff comes.  Kids need a foundation that's tough to crack.

Three Things is a (mostly) daily record of thoughts, questions, inspiration, gratitude, and stuff that made my day better or made me better. Once written, I send them out into the world and invite serendipity.