Happier, Healthier, Stronger.

Three Things: Figure It Out

Sometimes people forget that they are capable and all it takes is a teacher, coach, or friend to simply tell them to Figure It Out.

Three Things: Figure It Out
Photo by dylan nolte / Unsplash


Today was my daughter's swim banquet. One of the coaches talked about many of the lessons that can be learned in swimming such as how to win and lose and how improvement comes after effort. She also talked about one of her "go-to" coaching euphemisms - FIO, which stands for Figure It Out.

I like that. Sometimes people forget that they are capable and all it takes is a teacher, coach, or friend to simply tell them to Figure It Out.

Once you can figure things out on your own the possibilities are endless.


"Low self-confidence isn't a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered--just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better." --Barrie Davenport


If you could create the ideal school in 2023 what would it look like?

Three Things is a (mostly) daily record of thoughts, questions, inspiration, gratitude, and stuff that made my day better or made me better. Cue serendipity.