Three Things: Appreciation, Balance, and Comfort Zones

Don't let balance be the enemy of passion.

Three Things: Appreciation, Balance, and Comfort Zones
Photo by Mike Cox / Unsplash


Living in Northern, WI really helps me appreciate summer. So far I’ve had to snow blow two days in a row at the beginning of Spring Break. I need to remember this when the weather turns and try to spend as much time as possible outside.

Too much of a good thing makes it harder to truly appreciate it.


Don’t let balance be the enemy of passion. Balance helps you conserve your fuel for those times you need to “floor it” as you follow your passion.


Adults often have the option to choose when they step out of their comfort zone. Students are asked to do this all of the time.

It’s important to stretch yourself so you don’t forget what it’s like to do things that scare you a little.

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Three Things is a record of thoughts, questions, inspiration, gratitude, and things that made my day better or made me better. Once written, I send them out into the world. Cue serendipity.