The Writing on the Classroom Wall by Steve Wyborney - Why Edify Book Recommendation

Create powerful learning experiences using interactive displays, anchor charts, and student work showcases.

The Writing on the Classroom Wall by Steve Wyborney - Why Edify Book Recommendation
Photo by Patrick Tomasso / Unsplash

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The Writing on the Classroom Wall by Steve Wyborney

Why Edify Book Recommendation

These recommendations come from books shares in the Friday Five weekly newsletter and members of the Why Edify teaching community. Each book will help you grow professional and/or personally.

Here are some reason to check out The Writing on the Classroom Wall: How Posting Your Most Passionate Beliefs About Education Can Empower Your Students, Propel Your Growth, and Lead to a Lifetime of Learning by Steve Wyborney.

Three Point Book Summary

  • Offers a fresh perspective on visual learning and student engagement through effective use of classroom wall space.
  • Creates powerful learning experiences using interactive displays, anchor charts, and student work showcases.
  • Provides practical strategies for building dynamic visual environments that promote discussion and deeper understanding. Harness the power of “BIG IDEAS”.

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