Teacher Guilt - You're Allowed to Flip the Switch to "Off".

If you are a teacher you know that there is always more to do. Early on in my career, a colleague advised me to rest and take care of myself. When I take that advice it always pays off.

Teacher Guilt - You're Allowed to Flip the Switch to "Off".
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo / Unsplash

Do you ever feel guilty when you are relaxing at home? Does your ever-growing to-do list haunt you?

You're not alone.

If you are a teacher you know that there is always more to do. Early on in my career, a colleague advised me to rest and take care of myself. When I take that advice it always pays off.

When I exit the school building I visualize leaving the stressors of the day behind. I keep a list and prioritize what's most important. Do all you can while at school and then practice letting it go. I think it gets easier over time.

Your intentions matter. Your effort matters. Your personal well-being matters.

You're allowed to flip the switch to "off".

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