On Slowing Down
Don't let the desire for speed negatively affect your experiences.
Don't let the desire for speed negatively affect your experiences.
One of the best investments of time a teacher can make is to build relationships with their students. When student/teacher relationships are strong students learn more and teachers are happier.
While toxic positivity isn't helpful, I hope our society doesn't become jaded. Positivity is essential and powerful. I just returned from a Michael Franti concert. His music, attitude, affect, and words were contagious. Teaching these last few years has been extra challenging. I attempted to repel
A newsletter for teachers and lifelong learners. Topics for this week include making classrooms student-driven, finishing tasks, and meditation.
Tips and resources on how to use Emojis in the classroom.
I have the same silly jokes I tell every year. Humor breaks things up and often elicits some great 8th grader eye rolls. Here are some teaching and learning resources for using humor in the classroom.
Explore the benefits of teaching students to think about their thinking and strategies to build metacognition.
A newsletter for teachers and lifelong learners. Topics for this week include teaching hard history, digital equity, and the connection between trust and happiness.
We can do better.
A newsletter for teachers and lifelong learners. Topics for this week include Late Work, Wordle, The Metaverse, and more.
What is the Metaverse and what are its educational applications?
Get creative in and out of the classroom with Canva.