Using Portfolios for Assessment and Year-End Passages
Explore how to use portfolios as a means of assessment and how to use them to prepare students for Passage Presentations.
Explore how to use portfolios as a means of assessment and how to use them to prepare students for Passage Presentations.
Help students get more done and avoid the dark playground.
Here are a few STEM/STEAM challenges I've used in the past that worked quite well. I'll include a PDF version and a Word version in case you'd like to change it to suit your needs. These activities provide an opportunity for students to grapple with and strengthen their growth mindset.
Here's what I learned while painting houses that transfer to teaching.
Harness the power of Brain Breaks to supercharge learning.
I learn a great deal from my connections on Twitter. As you can imagine there are quite a few conversations occurring around the topic of Teacher Appreciation as next week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Here are a few threads I found interesting with a few of my thoughts to follow.
Here is how I use proficiency scales with my middle school science classes. You'll also downloadable copies of each scale.
Teacher Pep Talk
Maybe it's time for you to be more foolish and stupid.
Here are some student-led conference resources that help to put students in the "driver's seat" of their learning.
Teacher Pep Talk
Explore the difference between knowledge and understanding. How can this be applied to education and teaching?
Teacher Pep Talk
How can becoming one percent better improve your teaching over time. Learn about the compounding effect of building small habits.
Here are some of my favorite resources I’ve used with my 8th graders when we study Forces and Motion. These resources and activities would work with grades 5-9 and maybe even with some high school students.