Handle Hard Better
This didn’t lead me to a magical epiphany, but it did leave me inspired. For those of us teachers who plan on staying in the game, handling hard things better should be on our to-do list.
This didn’t lead me to a magical epiphany, but it did leave me inspired. For those of us teachers who plan on staying in the game, handling hard things better should be on our to-do list.
Teachers are highly susceptible to decision fatigue due to the high volume of daily decisions they make. This might explain why I feel like I need to spend time in a sensory deprivation tank at the end of a school week.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include reading for pleasure, making science relevant, and the beauty of brain breaks.
While it is important to stay updated and utilize effective resources, it is equally crucial to assess the actual needs and effectiveness of these materials.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include student behavior and accountability, the power of words, and making teaching sustainable.
As I was writing down the quotes, it was apparent that so many of them apply to teaching. In a way, teachers are life coaches for students.
Ted Lasso
As teachers, we often find ourselves in challenging situations where our students may be struggling or facing obstacles. In those moments, it's easy to get discouraged and lose hope.
This kind of success is not easily measurable by test scores, but it will definitely manifest in a fulfilling life.
Most great victories and positive changes are grown in the soil of discomfort.
I was recently contacted by Magic Box to be interviewed on their podcast, titled Teaching in the Digital Age: Embracing Technology to Enhance Learning. After participating in a pre-podcast interview, they sent me a list of topics that will be covered in the episode.
This is my system that combines an old-school paper lesson plan book, aspects of Bullet Journaling, Planbook, and Notion that works well for me. Maybe it will work for you too. Here’s how it works.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include student mental health, challenges for teachers, and restorative discipline practices.