Book Summary
12 Must-Read Books for Teachers' Professional & Personal Development This Summer
Summer provides teachers with a golden opportunity to rest, recharge, and engage in personal and professional development.
Book Summary
Summer provides teachers with a golden opportunity to rest, recharge, and engage in personal and professional development.
STRONG Teacher Newsletter
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Book Summary
Atomic Habits - These are some of my favorite lines from the book, along with my reaction.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include deciphering slang, teacher planning time, and the benefits of handwriting.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include the decline of reading for fun, controlling year-end chaos, and finishing the school year strong.
Weekly Report
This week's topics include using video to improve teaching, how to grade more efficiently, and "possibility thinking."
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include skyrocketing suspensions, outdoor adventure, and equity.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include student apathy, classical education, and "Cicada-Geddon."
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include student laziness, civics education, and single-point rubrics.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include misconceptions in education, solar eclipse resources, and reasons to attack clutter.
Weekly Report
This week's topics include addressing teacher shortages, taking breaks, and using portfolios as a form of assessment.
Brain Dump
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 * I administered a World War I quiz to my crew. They were allowed to use their notebooks. I am surprised that so many of them chose not to open it. * Recorded a screencast for the 2-5-8 Forces and Motion Learning menu. You can check it out