Weekly Report
Pension Pac-Man and Ripples
Topics for this week include teacher pensions, using ChatGPT, and resources for creating a positive classroom environment.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include teacher pensions, using ChatGPT, and resources for creating a positive classroom environment.
Back to School
Here's a list of tips, tools, and resources to help you create a positive environment, build strong relationships with your students, and grow personally and professionally.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include developing positive student-teacher relationships, engaging introverted students, and restorative justice practices.
Here are the results or lack thereof from July 2023.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include ChatGPT prompts for teachers, student blogging in math class, and the power of playing chess.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include simple ways to lessen teacher stress, building trust with students, and protecting your attention span.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include student mental health, challenges for teachers, and restorative discipline practices.
Book Summary
Building on your strengths not only leads to personal fulfillment but also benefits society as a whole.
Weekly Report
Topics include banning smartphones in schools, nurturing student voices, and summer science.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include new education research and the benefits of boredom.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include standards-based grading, school social media use, and how to use retrieval practice.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include incorporating humor, essential questions, and setting boundaries.