Weekly Report
There is No Normal
T.G.I.F. is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources. Topics for this week include read-alouds, relationships, technology tools, and more.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources. Topics for this week include restorative justice, eggshells, and frission.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources. Topics for this week include teacher martyrdom, teacher wellness, and protecting your attention span.
Read on to learn some of the science-backed benefits of using affirmations in teaching and browse through the list of 50 affirmations for teachers.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources. Topics for this week include Vintage Innovation, teachers teaching teachers, and humor.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, and teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources. Topics for this week include good teaching, learning teams, and the "recovery paradox".
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, and teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources. Topics for this week include learning styles, artificial intelligence, and People Pleasing.
Participating in a Thirty-Day Challenge has numerous benefits. Here are some Thirty-Day Challenge ideas for your mind, body, and spirit. You'll also find a free challenge tracker in the link below.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, and teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources. Topics for this week include the importance of libraries, feedback, and STEM Education.
Incorporating Brain Breaks can add fun and movement to the school day and add enjoyment for teachers and students. Below you'll find some Brain-Break research along with some resources to get you started.