🤔 Building Strength
Here are some recent snippets from my weekly review. Each week I look back and record what I've been thinking, reading, and experiencing in the classroom and in life. Think, Learn, Share, Repeat.
Here are some recent snippets from my weekly review. Each week I look back and record what I've been thinking, reading, and experiencing in the classroom and in life. Think, Learn, Share, Repeat.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include nature-based learning, positive affirmations, and reflecting in public.
Weekly Report
Podcasting, Double Disruption, Learning Targets, and More.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include phonics instruction, using stories to connect with students and mental liquidity.
Staying “mentally liquid” will help humanity remain nimble enough to make changes when needed. Adapting to new information and data is a crucial skill for the future.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include helping students build skills for life, remembering why you started teaching, and technology use in education.
Weekly Report
Learn about the benefits of science education, building a positive school culture, and the importance of art.
Weekly Report
Topics include research on recess, rewriting books, and classroom management.
Here are the results or lack thereof from March 2023.
Weekly Report
Topics include emergency teaching licenses, improving student writing skills, and making good decisions.
Weekly Report
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