Teach Like Ted Lasso - 5 Lessons to Enhance Your Teaching Life
As I was writing down the quotes, it was apparent that so many of them apply to teaching. In a way, teachers are life coaches for students.
As I was writing down the quotes, it was apparent that so many of them apply to teaching. In a way, teachers are life coaches for students.
Ted Lasso
As teachers, we often find ourselves in challenging situations where our students may be struggling or facing obstacles. In those moments, it's easy to get discouraged and lose hope.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include teaching skills that can't be replicated by AI, embracing intelligent failures and music in education.
This kind of success is not easily measurable by test scores, but it will definitely manifest in a fulfilling life.
Most great victories and positive changes are grown in the soil of discomfort.
Doing your best, acting from the heart, and trying to be better tomorrow is all anyone can ask; it's enough.
“I do love a classroom. It smells like potential.” - Jeremy Jorgensen
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include emotional fitness, attention-getting strategies, and brain-break ideas.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include teaching comprehension, improving your brain health, and limiting digital distractions.
Tomorrow is the first day of school with students present. This will be my 25th year teaching at Arbor-Vitae Woodruff School.
Interactive Notebooks
One of my favorite aspects of using notebooks with students is the student's creative and reflective "output".Here are some of the interactive notebook output options I give my students.
Interactive Notebooks
A good rubric can make assessing interactive notebooks easier and more effective.