Weekly Report
Regain Your Mojo
Topics for this week include the power of routines, teacher support strategies, and regaining your mojo.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include the power of routines, teacher support strategies, and regaining your mojo.
Fostering a collaborative culture in your classroom takes time and effort. This time and effort will be well spent. By implementing these tips, you can create a supportive environment where students thrive, develop essential skills, and achieve higher levels of academic success.
Teachers are often under pressure to have students engaged in academic activities. This makes it challenging for them and their students. A school day becomes more enjoyable with the right amount of breaks along the way.
What happens when you step out of your comfort zone?
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include teen phone usage, the power of pre-tests, and authenticity.
These are the steps I followed to create a simple communication on a Notion page using a table. You'll also find a video explanation at the bottom of the article.
Here’s a description of what anchor charts are, the benefits of using them, and a few ideas on how to use them in the classroom.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include celebrating teachers and principals, engaging math apps, and "true learning".
In Crew (which is our version of homeroom) students take time to get to know themselves. This is where the 5 Beliefs activity comes in.
Here are some of my favorite resources, ideas, tools, services, miscellaneous gadgets, and goodies that keep me STRONG in my personal and professional life. I hope they help you become a happier, healthier, and stronger teacher.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include how to improve student note-taking, becoming a teacher/gardener, and personalizing students' learning experiences.
As I was writing down the quotes, it was apparent that so many of them apply to teaching. In a way, teachers are life coaches for students.