T.G.I.F. Newsletter - Classroom Management, Self-Assessment, and Rituals
A newsletter for teachers and lifelong learners. Topics for this week include classroom management, self-assessment, and rituals.

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Hello Friends and T.G.I.F. 😁 Here are some things I thought were worth sharing this week.
The News
Here are some articles that grabbed my attention.
- There are many challenges that teachers face. Managing disruptive behaviors would be at the top of many teachers’ lists. I wonder to what degree classroom management difficulties are contributing to the teacher shortage?
- Here are seven useful checklists to help you end your school year productivity so you can ease into summer relaxation. I need to take more time to discard the things that are no longer useable.
- Explore five reasons students should own the assessment process. Self-assessment can save teachers time and help students improve their metacognition.
- Check out this Twitter thread to see how other teachers have set up their Maker Spaces - click the Read Replies link.
- No Teacher Left Behind Makes Waves Once Again
Hey #STEM #STEAM #Maker educators! I’m working on an upcoming blog post about learning spaces. Share pictures of your set up, furniture, storage ideas, project displays, etc. I’d love to feature your classrooms in the post! #makered #makerspaces #STeAMMakers
— Jacie Maslyk (@DrJacieMaslyk) May 30, 2022
Personal Development and Wellness Resources
- What should you do on those days you feel like doing absolutely nothing at all? Here are four options. I like that one of the options is to simply “roll with it”.
- Ritual or routine - What’s the difference and does it matter?
- Exercise less, more often. An exercise session doesn't need to be epic. A short burst can be powerful.
Here is a quote I’ve been revisiting this week:
“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Favorite Things
- 📰 Article - Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now by Alexey Guzey. There are some compelling reasons for writing in online spaces, even if no one reads it.
- 🏃 App - Intervals Pro - This app lets you set your own training intervals and transfer them to your Apple Watch. It’s perfect if you like to run/walk.
- ☘ Mowing the Lawn - First, full disclosure, my lawn is a combination of weeds, sand, dirt, and some grass. I think it’s because is easy to see the results as soon as you're done. This is in contrast to teaching where it’s more common not to know the outcome of your efforts.
- 🔥 Gadgets - Here are some of my gadget and gift picks for the summer. It includes items that contribute to relaxation and reflection.
P.S. Recommendation: Fabulous. Born at Duke University, Fabulous uses behavioral science to help people make smart changes and build healthy habits. It's helped me build a solid morning routine. Build self-discipline and create positive structures in your daily life. After answering a series of questions Fabulous will build a plan just for you. Start building new habits with Fabulous today.