Stop It

This week's topics include things schools should stop doing, classroom management during independent work time, and the power of passion projects.

Stop It
Photo by Juli Kosolapova / Unsplash

The Friday Five

TGIF Teacher Newsletter #131

Happy Friday the 13th! 😮

Here is this week’s Friday Five. I hope you find something you can use in this week’s newsletter. If so, please forward it to a friend.

Have a great weekend!

The Friday Five


Stop It

If you were to list 14 things schools should stop doing now, what would you include? Maybe it would match this list from Ed Week. Right now, I would put limiting cell phone use at the top of my list. However, it's important to note that every school has unique challenges and priorities. What works for one institution may not be the best solution for another.


Independent Learners

Effective classroom management during independent work time can significantly enhance student learning. Teachers can use three key strategies to maximize this time: providing immediate feedback through close observation, engaging in individual conversations to assess student progress, and conducting targeted small-group instruction. These approaches allow teachers to personalize learning experiences, address specific needs, and create a more dynamic classroom environment that promotes student growth and engagement.


Passion Projects

“The pursuit of passion projects serves as a powerful tool for professional growth and innovation. By embracing our interests outside of work, we open ourselves up to new perspectives, skills and connections that can dramatically enhance our effectiveness as leaders and problem-solvers. Yet, this pursuit must be tempered with self-awareness and a recognition of its potential impact on work-life balance.” Sharing your passion with others helps build connections in and out of school. It adds a layer of authenticity.


One Step at a Time

“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races, one after the other. - Walter Elliot


Teacher Commuter Playlist - Stubborn Kind of Fellow by Marvin Gaye

Choice Your Own Adventure