Self-Care for Teachers: Why It's Essential for Long-Term Success in Education
Taking care of yourself isn't just something extra or nice to have - it's something you should do to be a good teacher and a happier and healthier human.
Self-Care for Teachers: Why It's Essential for Long-Term Success in Education
Support Why EdifyI am creating the STRONG Teacher course to help teachers take better care of themselves and handle stress better at work.
When I told a few other teachers about this program, one comment caught my attention:
"Teachers don't have time to take a course like this. They are too busy," they said, which is something I hear a lot from other teachers. I completely understand this response. Part teaching is figuring out how to tackle a never ending to-do list.
This response shows exactly why this course is needed. Many teachers feel like they have to put everyone else first and ignore their own needs. When teachers start feeling stressed, tired, or overwhelmed - which happens a lot these days - they have two choices:
- Keep complaining about being tired and stressed but not do anything about it, which usually leads to burning out and becoming a less effective teacher
- Start taking care of themselves, even if it means not finishing every single task on their to-do list right away - and scheduling some time to make adjustments
The first choice - just keeping on with the same old routine - is definitely easier. It doesn't require any changes, and it feels safer. But the second choice - deciding to take care of yourself - is what teachers really need to do if they want to keep teaching for a long time.
Taking care of yourself isn't just something extra or nice to have - it's something you should do to be a good teacher and a happier and healthier human.
When teachers take care of themselves, they have more energy to teach well, manage their classroom better, and stay excited about teaching. This makes them better teachers and helps their students learn more too.
Your to-do-list will still be there tomorrow.
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