Teaching Resource - The Gilded Age Jigsaw and Video
This video is an excellent way to culminate or kick off a study of the Gilded Age.
This video is an excellent way to culminate or kick off a study of the Gilded Age.
Teach Like...
In the end, we can only control our actions and reactions. When we know ourselves, we can feel confident in ourselves. This confidence will help us weather awkward moments and conflict.
Explore the benefits of service learning in education.
The STRONG Teacher Toolkit is starting to come together.
"Two Laps and a Nap" is a simple brain break that my 8th graders enjoy and often request. It is a great way to take a break after about 20 minutes of sustained mental effort.
Weekly Report
Topics for this week include note-taking skills, test retakes, and morality in schools.
Weekly Report
Tomorrow I will send out the 100th TGIF Teacher newsletter. I haven’t missed one Friday yet. It feels pretty good.
Just as Rufus suggests that philosophers need a well-prepared body for physical activity, teachers can benefit from maintaining good physical health. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest contribute to increased energy levels, mental clarity, and overall well-being.
There is a boom in AI tools. It's daunting and exciting. I figure I better start learning about artificial intelligence before I get left too far behind. The first of these tools that I've decided to learn more about is Magic School AI.
To-do lists are powerful tools that can greatly benefit students in their academic journey. By keeping tasks organized and prioritized, students can effectively manage their time, increase productivity, and reduce stress.
Focusing on small incremental improvements makes habit change seem more doable to 8th graders. That’s where the one-minute secret comes in.
A public declaration of goals for the year 2024.