On Criticism

Embrace criticism as a tool for growth. Learn to accept feedback gracefully, build resilience, and improve yourself. Discover how facing criticism without resentment can lead to personal development and success.

On Criticism
Photo by Nik / Unsplash


STRONG Teacher Newsletter

Here's a quote, resource, and affirmation to help power you through the rest of the week. If you enjoy today's email, pass it along to a friend.

Have a great day!


"The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment." -Elbert Hubbard


Criticism can be accepted with grace and appreciation. Sometimes, it’s the push to become a better version of ourselves.

Now Repeat...

I embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. I am confident in my ability to receive feedback gracefully and use it to improve myself.

Read the STRONG Teacher Story.

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