End of the Year Checklist for Teachers

The end of the school year can be one of the most stressful times for educators. However, creating a system and using checklists can help you maintain your sanity and set you up for success at the start of the next school year.

End of the Year Checklist for Teachers
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

The end of the school year can be one of the most stressful times for educators. However, creating a system and using checklists can help you maintain your sanity and set you up for success at the start of the next school year. Having a system in place makes things more manageable, and checking off tasks can be satisfying.

One of the most powerful things you can do from the checklist below is to pause and review your scope and sequence, making sure you leave time to reflect. If you can identify just a few things you want to improve or change for the next year, you can harness the compounding effect. All of the small improvements will add up over the course of a teaching career. Here's the checklist that I've developed:

Organize Technology

  • Organize, delete, and archive emails from the school.
  • Review your Google Drive or computer hard drive and organize using folders.
  • Archive Google Classroom / Learning Management System so you can refer back to it next year.

Clean and Organize Cabinets Walls

  • Walk around your room and decide what stays and what goes.
  • Carefully take down what’s on your walls and store it.
  • Bonus points for having a plan as to what you want on your walls for the start of school next year.

Take Inventory

  • What supplies do you have enough of?
  • What do you need to order for next year?
  • These are even more powerful if you do them throughout the school year

The Purge

  • Teachers can be pack rats.
  • If you haven’t used something in a while get rid of it.
  • This decluttering is good for the soul.

Review Your Scope and Sequence

  • How did your current scope and sequence work for you this year?
  • What changes make sense?
  • Make updates and changes.

End-of-the-Year Reflection

  • What were your successes and challenges?
  • How was your pacing?
  • Did you practice the appropriate level of self-care?

Dream Big and Brainstorm

  • Get excited about things to stay in the future.
  • Make a list of possibilities.
  • Identify one of the items you’ll commit to doing next year.

Summer Reading List

  • Pick a book or two that will make your next year of teaching better.
  • Pick as many books as can to read for fun.
  • Make a plan. Schedule in time to read so you don’t look back at the end of the summer and wonder why you didn’t read more.

What things would you add to this Teacher End of the Year Checklist?


Taking the time to complete an end-of-year checklist can help you wrap up the school year successfully, reflect on your teaching practices, and prepare for the upcoming year. You can set yourself up for success in the future by organizing your technology, cleaning and organizing your classroom, taking inventory, purging, reviewing your scope and sequence, reflecting on your year, dreaming big, and creating a summer reading list. Remember to take care of yourself during this time and celebrate all that you’ve accomplished this year as an educator. Completing your version of an end-of-the-year checklist can also help you leave thoughts of school at school, putting you in a position to enjoy the summer months more.

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