Encourage Empathy

Explore Finland's media literacy education, challenges in STEM teaching, the power of empathy, and insights from Daniel Goleman. Discover how these elements are shaping our approach to education and social connection.

Encourage Empathy
Photo by Lena Taranenko / Unsplash
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The Friday Five

TGIF Teacher Newsletter #134

Happy Friday!

This past week, I’ve been busy watching my kids participate in their respective sports. At the risk of sharing too much information, I’m almost certain I’ve started to develop callouses on my backside 🍑😮.

I’ve also been preparing to present at our area schools' upcoming professional development day. It will be the first time I’ve shared my work with Why Edify with a group of educators face-to-face, and I’m hoping they will find my session worthwhile.

Here are some questions to ponder as you read this week's newsletter—bonus points for sharing your answers on your social media community. We can connect here. You can also comment at the bottom of the online version of this newsletter.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I incorporate media literacy and critical thinking skills into my current curriculum, regardless of the subject I teach? What small steps can I take to start this process?
  2. In what ways can I foster a more empathetic classroom environment? How might this impact my students' learning and social-emotional development?
  3. Reflecting on my professional journey, how can I better bridge the gap between theory and practice in my teaching? What resources or support do I need to enhance my effectiveness as an educator?

Have a great weekend!

Here's this week's Friday Five.


Media Literacy

Finland prioritizes teaching students media literacy starting in the early grades. In their schools, students learn how to spot fake news and figure out what's true online. These classes teach students to check facts and think critically about what they read and watch. By learning these skills, young people can make better choices about what to believe. This idea isn't just about doing well in school. It's also about helping students become good citizens who can make informed decisions in our digital world.


STEM Challenges

Steve Robinson's career path from academia to the White House and back to teaching highlights key challenges in STEM education. His diverse experience emphasizes the need for practical teaching skills, effective mentoring, and a supportive teacher community. Robinson's journey reveals a gap between education policy and classroom realities, stressing the importance of ongoing professional development and teacher accountability. His insights show that successful STEM education requires more than subject knowledge alone. Instead, it calls for a comprehensive approach blending expertise, hands-on skills, and a nurturing learning environment.


Promoting Empathy

Empathy can spread when encouraged by social settings and supportive groups. Studies show that being around empathetic people makes us more compassionate, while programs like empathy cafes and school lessons help build these skills through careful listening and community activities. By creating safe places for understanding and talking, these efforts show that empathy can help bridge differences and create positive social change. Empathy is a catalyst for compassion; it’s time for an idea like this to go viral.


Focus On Others

"Self-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone compassion. When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands. Our own problems drift to the periphery of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection - or compassionate action." — Daniel Goleman (Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships *)


Teacher Commuter Playlist - Nobody Told Me by John Lennon

Choose Your Adventure Own

  • Book Recommendation: "Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain"* by Zaretta Hammond. Explore how cultural neuroscience can enhance teaching practices for diverse student populations. You’ll find practical strategies to create inclusive learning environments and boost student engagement.
  • I had fun with this one. If you have great teaching teammates, you'll understand,
  • Here are some of the top education conferences to attend in 2025.
  • Effective communication between teachers and parents via email should be guided by a traffic light system: Red for serious matters that require phone calls or meetings, Yellow for situations where follow-up emails are necessary after discussions, and Green for quick reminders or positive notes.

Learn. Do. Reflect. Do Better. Celebrate. Repeat.


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