Embrace a Little Chaos and Lean Into Fun

Sometimes it's best to just lean into fun.

Embrace a Little Chaos and Lean Into Fun
Photo by Braydon Anderson / Unsplashf


It's amazing how far technology has come in my 25 years of teaching. Today we ran a breakout room using Quizizz. The student engagement was impressive.


Sometimes it's best to just lean into fun. If you are a teacher you know that the last few days before a vacation can be challenging. Living in Northern, WI we have many students miss class for deer hunting. Today I tried to dial up the patience, embrace a little chaos, and lean into the fun.


"Even in the chaos of everyday life, moments of gratitude remind us to hold on to the good things." - Brit Morin

Three Things is a record of thoughts, questions, inspiration, gratitude, and things that made my day better or made me better. Once written, I send them out into the world. Cue serendipity.
STRONG Teacher Toolkit
Here are some of my favorite resources, ideas, tools, services, and miscellaneous gadgets and goodies that keep me STRONG in both my personal and professional life.

Ideas, resources, tools, and free downloads to make your teaching life easier and more enjoyable.