Banned, Juiced and Successful
A newsletter for teachers and lifelong learners. You'll find resources about education, wellness, and finances along with a little inspiration and something to think about.
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Hello Friends. Here are some things worth sharing this week.
- Here's why your kid should read banned books.
- There are many articles in the news documenting how hard teaching is right now. Here is one of them. Another common theme is that they keep showing up for their students day after day.
- I finally decided to slow down. Here's what happened.
- What connections can students make between the Gilded Age and present day? We took some time in social studies to find out.
- I watched this Ted Talk while spinning on the trainer earlier this week. It's worth watching - The One Thing All Great Teachers Do by Nick Fuhrman
Teacher Wellness
Here's to feeling better in the classroom and beyond.
- Completing vigorous exercise for 20 minutes a day helps you live longer. It also helps me reset and let go of some of the tension left from the school day.
- Here are the five best juices to slow aging according to science - drink in moderation. My go-to is POM Pomegranate juice.
Teacher Money
Teaching is rewarding, but if you are like me, retirement looks like a pretty wonderful light at the end of the tunnel. My goal is to learn to make good money decisions now that will pay off later.
- Here is some advice for anyone who is confused about money right now. This is a nice article to help develop perspective around the topic of money and investing.
- Check out this Guide to Personal Finance for teachers.
My Favorite Things This Week
- These are my favorite pens right now - PILOT Precise V5 RT Deco Collection.* One of my teacher friends keeps stealing mine.
- Watching the Winter Olympics with my family, especially the coed snowboard racing. They won the Gold.
- Planning something new to teach in social studies with colleagues that are great to work with. I realize this isn't as common as it should be.
The Quote of the Week is by Abraham Maslow*.
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
And finally a question...
What's the greatest thing you do as a teacher?
Thanks for reading. If you enjoy this newsletter, please share it far and wide, and if you haven't subscribed yet - join us! Have a great week.
Let's connect on Twitter @jjwhyedify. Leave a comment, just say "Hi" or help me with your answer to the question for this week.