STRONG Teacher Newsletter
It takes a few tiny things to make life easier.
STRONG Teacher Newsletter
It takes a few tiny things to make life easier.
Brain Dump
Monday, March 25th, 2024 * Snow Day Today! * I participated in a #TLAP chat (Teach Like a Pirate) tonight. The topic was connecting art to our personal and professional lives. * I spent about an hour working on the STRONG Teacher Toolkit and creating a post to share with others. Here'
Strong Teacher
Become a happier, healthier, and stronger teacher. Get the STRONG Teacher Toolkit.
Brain Dump
Sunday, March 24th, 2024 * I looked back over the past week and compiled my weekly review. * The STRONG Teacher Toolkit Notion page is coming along. I added a few of my recent resource posts for subscribers. * I finally completed the 2-5-8 Forces and Motion learning menu. Magic School AI helped
Weekly Report
The beauty, challenge, and emotion of working in the classroom.
Brain Dump
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 * Today, we celebrated MAPS testing growth. It was noticeable that more boys were progressing than in the past couple of years. I hope this trend continues. * I'm struggling to keep some of my classes moving forward. The pace of work completion varies so much
STRONG Teacher Newsletter
I tough times, resiliency becomes a superpower.
Brain Dump
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 * I set up an IXL class for my intervention group and printed reports to guide their practice. IXL is becoming a pretty powerful tool, but I worry that it might be overused. * I requested a J-Touch screen for my classroom. * I'm grateful to our
Why Edify Podcast
Welcome to the first installment of something I've coined "Social Wisdom." Social media often gets a bad rap for being predominantly negative. While it's true that negative elements exist, there's also plenty of good stuff out there.
As educators, one of our primary goals should be to develop in our students a sense of responsibility for learning.
Weekly Report
This week's topics include increasing student engagement with games, effective ways to use praise, and Women's History Month teaching and learning resources.
STRONG Teacher Newsletter
Pick the big weight up. Lift it first.